Tuesday 5 May 2015

My Pony Cloudy

This is my special pony Cloudy at a show as you can tell by the photo he's pretty awesome and our bond is pretty good and I love him .The ribbon around my arm is a 1st place ribbon yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Cloudy's profile  

Height:13 hh (130 cm)
Colour : Grey (If you are confused white ponies are always called grey)
D.O.B:August 1st

 By the way the boy behind me in the photo is my brother Dylan 

hope you enjoyed my post bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hey A.G, how old is a pony in human years? Would you consider as a good horse rider?

    1. not sure about the age thing but I think I might be in the middle with the good rider bit .P.S It's A.J not A.G. Bye 4 now from A.J


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