Friday 8 July 2016

Weekly Revision Wk 9

This week I am most proud of my PrEP work
It was hard but I managed to do it

This week we have done:

We did some work on Maths Buddy. Also we started something new this week . We do activities and fun things on a Thursday and Friday.  


  We finished PrEP this week. We made products and sold them at the Mini Market and the Big Market. It was really fun. Our group was called Jazzy Jar Stuff and the group members were Ella(Co CEO), Nina(Co CEO), Sam(Quality Control), Kate D(Marketing Manager), Jessica(Treasurer) and Me, Alex and Morgan were the workers

Sharing with Room 9:This week Alex's buddy wasn't here so she worked with me and my buddy Saamiya.


  1. Hi ashleigh, my name is Ofa and i attend Waikowhai Primary School.I really liked how you told the audience about where you sold your jazzy jar. I also noticed that you explained who you were working with and who was doing what. It explains more.I would like to know how much money you guys raised and what did you use it for? I really enjoyed reading your blog post if you would like to check out my blog here it is

  2. Hi ashleigh, my name is Ofa and i attend Waikowhai Primary School.I really liked how you told the audience about where you sold your jazzy jar. I also noticed that you explained who you were working with and who was doing what. It explains more.I would like to know how much money you guys raised and what did you use it for? I really enjoyed reading your blog post if you would like to check out my blog here it is


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