Friday 3 June 2016

Weekly Revision Wk 5

- Collage Art . We had to choose something we enjoyed about Curious Cove and draw and collage it . Here is my finished piece .

-Maths Buddy . Maths Buddy is a website for maths learning for kids year 1-11 . We did some work on perimeters . 

 -Banqer . Banqer is a website for learning about money . 

Midnight in the Stables(I didn't use personification)   Midnight Skaters-Poems . We have been working on a poem by Roger McGough called The Midnight Skaters (Click the link to read it). 

-Availll -Charlotte's Web . Availll is when you watch a movie with subtitles and do activities along with it. 

 -Assembly Item . Today we did an assembly item where we showed art and read out some of our poems.

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