Friday 10 June 2016

Weekly Revision Wk6

This week we did... 
Availll: Availll is where we watch a movie with subtitles and do activities along with it . This week we did the movie
 Charlotte's Web and finished it on Thursday.
Maths:This week we worked on Conversions with distances and area of a rectangle.

Memory Poem:For this poem we were working on using a range of descriptive language to create a vivid image . 

Shantytown Lesson:This week on Thursday the teachers from the Shantytown School came to teach us about the time in NZ when we didn't have money . We had to put on a hat(Pakeha),A bone necklace(Coastal village),Feathers(Coastal village),A different hat(Sailors),A sticker to represent a moko(The village with the moko carver)Or a green sash(Forest village)


  1. hey ashleigh its Georgia.m hows school? ahahahahah

  2. Hi Ashleigh

    Last year I did an avail on "Horton hears a who". Maybe to make you work a bit better you could work on the punctuation a bit more and add spaces after full stops and brackets .etc.

    From Sammi _ Paroa school


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