Friday 8 July 2016

Weekly Revision Wk 10

YAY! Last week of school! That means two whole weeks of cantering around and around the paddock on Cloudy, my 15 yr old Fleabitten Grey 13hh Welsh cross English Riding Pony. I can't wait . Anyways this week we did...

Maths:This week we worked on line graphs and today me and Alex are making horse treats for Cloudy, Sweet, Colours and Vinnie, Our horses. We are using a recipe with fractions. 

Writing:We did some catch-up on our poetry anthology (I will post this in another post)

Room 9:On Wednesday Room 9 came in and we made chatterboxes . I worked with Alex and her buddy, Sathvika, because my buddy, Saamiya, wasn't here.

Team-Time:It's team time this afternoon, we are doing activities such as... Free time on devices, Arts and craft etc. 

Hail's broken leg:This isn't school related but my puppy Hail broke a small bone in his leg on the weekend and is on cage rest for six weeks:(

 Here is a pic of Hail

OK I better go, but that was my week hope you liked my post 


  1. Hi Ashleigh,
    I really like your weekly revision. It sounded like you had very fun doing that stuff.
    PS I hope hail's leg gets better. I feel very sad.

    1. Hi Mia

      Thanks for your comment! An don't worry about Hail he's OK now.
      From Ashleigh


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.