Friday 2 September 2016

Weekly Revision T3 Wk6

This week we did... 

We worked on nets this week.

Writing:This term for writing we are learning about explanations. Mine is Why Horses Sleep Standing Up.

We made Tie dyed shirts for the Art Soiree. Here is a pic of mine 

We were on assembly this week. We showed our Tie dyes, explanations, enlargements and Olympics work.

Alright, that's my week. I'm gonna go now. BYE!  

1 comment:

  1. Monena Ashleigh
    I really like your tie dye it is very colourful and its a great pattern,
    It would be good if you showed us your Olympic work on your blog, but your post is very good.
    From Jessica


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.